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The Air Navigation Act: Regulation of Aircraft Navigation Over the Maltese Airspace Aviation

The Air Navigation Act: Regulation of Aircraft Navigation Over the Maltese Airspace

On the 1st of August 2023, Bill No. 63 entitled the Air Navigation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) was published in the Supplement to the Government Gazette. The proposed Act has reached the stage of the Third Reading and shall repeal the Civil Aviation (Air Operators’ Certificates) Act (Chapter 218 of the Laws of Malta), the Air Navigation Order (Subsidiary Legislation 499.09), and the Civil Aviation Subsidiary (Air Transport Licensing) (Fees) Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 499.33).The primary objective of the proposed Act is to govern aircraft navigation within the Maltese airspace and establish technical compliance standards. The Act applies…
Cell Companies in Shipping and Aviation Business AviationShipping, Yachting and Transport

Cell Companies in Shipping and Aviation Business

This article was written by Dr Nicholas Valenzia and Dr Joshua Chircop.Amendments have been made to the Companies Act allowing for the introduction of regulations regarding Cell Companies carrying on or engaged in Shipping or Aviation Business (the "Regulations").The RegulationsThe amendments have introduced a new article to the Companies Act, which gives the authority to the Minister responsible for the registration of commercial partnerships (the "Minister") to make the Regulations. The Regulations are expected to be promulgated under Maltese law imminently.The Regulations are expected to provide for the formation, constitution, authorisation and regulation of Cell Companies carrying on or engaged…
Nicholas Valenzia
15th May 2020
MIA CPE Event – The formation and support of shipping and aviation companies – A legal aspect Shipping, Yachting and Transport

MIA CPE Event – The formation and support of shipping and aviation companies – A legal aspect

Dr Nicholas Valenzia and Dr Denise Abela will deliver a presentation at a CPE event organised by The Malta Institute of Accountants, which will be held on the 15 June 2018 at the Tower Training Centre, Swatar.The event will focus on the key elements relating to companies involved in the ship/aircraft ownership and operation, including aspects relating to eligibility of registration of ships and aircraft in Malta. The seminar will also give a general overview on modern trends in ownership and operational structuring such as leasing. For further details on the event, kindly view the following link:
Nicholas Valenzia
4th June 2018
MIA CPE Event – The formation and support of shipping and aviation companies – A legal aspect Shipping, Yachting and Transport

MIA CPE Event – The formation and support of shipping and aviation companies – A legal aspect

Dr Nicholas Valenzia and Dr Denise Abela will deliver a presentation at a CPE event organised by The Malta Institute of Accountants, which will be held on the 15 June 2018 at the Tower Training Centre, Swatar.The event will focus on the key elements relating to companies involved in the ship/aircraft ownership and operation, including aspects relating to eligibility of registration of ships and aircraft in Malta. The seminar will also give a general overview on modern trends in ownership and operational structuring such as leasing. For further details on the event, kindly view the following link:
Nicholas Valenzia
4th June 2018
Chambers – Global Practice Guides for Shipping 2017 Shipping, Yachting and Transport

Chambers – Global Practice Guides for Shipping 2017

Nick Valenzia and Joseph Camilleri have contributed to this year's Chambers Law and Practice Guide – Shipping. This comprehensive guide covers all area of ship registration finance and provides interesting insight on traditional topics such as; various type of ship registrations (ownership, bareboat), ship mortgages and asset finance and liens. Valenzia and Camilleri further delve into and explore contemporaneous topics of interest such as access to capital markets and insolvency.Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Nicholas Valenzia and…
Nicholas Valenzia
23rd March 2017
Aviation: Malta – The New Hotspot in Europe Aviation

Aviation: Malta – The New Hotspot in Europe

Nick Valenzia who heads our Aviation and Shipping teams delivered a presentation about the Aviation in Malta, Malta - the new hotspot in Europe, during the annual Corporate Jet Investor held at The Landmark Hotel in London on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st January. Nick highlighted the most salient achievements in the local Aviation industry and the reason why Malta became one of the top jurisdictions of choice . Nick has also delved into the various fiscal and other benefits that Malta offers.Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance,…
Nicholas Valenzia
16th February 2017