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Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Malta to Apply the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention by 1st September 2023

Malta, as a European Union (‘EU’) Member State, is bound to apply the 2019 Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters, also known as the Hague Judgments Convention, from the 1st of September 2023. This Convention, concluded on the 2nd of July 2019 by the Hague Conference on Private International Law, pertains to one of the three fundamental pillars of private international law, that is, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The main objective of this legal instrument is to enhance cross-border transactions, ensure legal certainty and improve access to justice on…
Klara Cachia
13th March 2023
MFSA Issues Circular on Proposed Changes to the Companies Act (Cell Companies Carrying on Business of Insurance) Regulations
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

The Action of Unjustified Enrichment

The action of unjustified enrichment, also known as the actio de in rem verso, dates back to Roman Law and despite the fact that it was formally included in the Maltese Civil Code in 2007 by means of Article 1028A, it has always been accepted by the Maltese Courts. The notions of equity and fairness serve as the foundation of this action. One should be compensated for the benefit gained by an individual without a just cause to the detriment of the former. Owing to its quasi-contract nature, the obligation does not arise from a contract and therefore, in line…
Klara Cachia
22nd September 2022
Platform worker
Employment and Industrial Relations

European Commission Proposal on Digital Platform Workers

Platform work entails the use of an online platform, serving as an intermediary between the clients and the workers for the performance of particular services or to carry out particular jobs in return for payment. In this way, division of work into specific jobs is favoured over a long-standing employment relationship. One can distinguish between online labour platforms where the tasks are carried out regardless of the location and can thus be performed remotely, and on-location labour platforms, like the transport of people or food, the latter gaining increasing popularity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The European Commission while recognising the…
Klara Cachia
25th August 2022
Employment and Industrial Relations

EU Work-Life Balance Directive (2019/1158) to be adopted soon

The Commission’s withdrawal of the Maternity Leave Directive which had not made any legislative progress since 2008, paved the way for an innovative and comprehensive outlook on tackling the lack of female representation in employment. Such approach centres around the Work-Life Balance Initiative which constitutes one of the outcomes of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Whilst considering the changes in society over the years, this initiative ensures a fairer division of responsibilities between males and females, with the aim of supporting working parents and carers. As part of the process of modernising the existing regulatory framework, the Work-Life Balance…
Klara Cachia
13th July 2022