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New Regulations on the Importation of Plant Material from Foreign Countries Corporate and M&A

New Regulations on the Importation of Plant Material from Foreign Countries

If one wishes to import foreign plants into Malta or Gozo, it would be worth noting the new Propagation Material of Ornamental Plants Regulations (the "Regulations").  These Regulations came into force on the 5th October 2018 and ensure that any propagation material of ornamental plants produced or placed on the Maltese market meet predetermined standards of quality. Commission Directives 1993/49/EEC,  1998/56/EC,  1999/67/EC,  1999/68/EC  and Commission Implementing Directive (EU) 2018/484 have been transposed by virtue of the Regulations. These instruments were enacted at EU level to harmonize the health and quality standards of plants circulating within the free market. All biological…
Mark Soler
6th March 2019
Regulations to Relieve Stamp Duty on Transfers of Business Property Corporate and M&A

Regulations to Relieve Stamp Duty on Transfers of Business Property

The Duty on Donations of Marketable Securities and Immovable Property Used for Business (Exemption) Order (the "Order"),  recently amended by Legal Notice 412 of 2018,  introduces a reduced rate of duty for gratuitous transfers of business property. The aim is to partially relieve the burden placed on individuals who intend to transfer immovable property forming part of a family business.The Order applies, inter alia, to individuals transferring, by gratuitous title, immovable property being a commercial tenement as defined in article 1525 of the Civil Code, that had been used in a family business as defined in the Family Business Act…
Mark Soler
1st March 2019
EU Company Law to be Adapted to the Digital Era Corporate and M&A

EU Company Law to be Adapted to the Digital Era

The European Council has announced that it has reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a draft directive that will facilitate and promote the use of online solutions in a company's contact with national regulatory authorities throughout its life cycle. The draft directive provides for the amendment of EU company law rules to allow for greater efficiency, transparency and legal certainty in company matters through the use of digital tools. The European Council has announced that the draft directive provides the following:Persons may register limited liability companies, and file company documents with national regulatory authorities entirely online;Information explaining national…
Joshua Chircop
19th February 2019
EU Company Law to be Adapted to the Digital Era Corporate and M&A

EU Company Law to be Adapted to the Digital Era

The European Council has announced that it has reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a draft directive that will facilitate and promote the use of online solutions in a company's contact with national regulatory authorities throughout its life cycle. The draft directive provides for the amendment of EU company law rules to allow for greater efficiency, transparency and legal certainty in company matters through the use of digital tools. The European Council has announced that the draft directive provides the following:Persons may register limited liability companies, and file company documents with national regulatory authorities entirely online;Information explaining national…
Joshua Chircop
19th February 2019
European Parliament Adopts a Resolution on the Restitution of Plundered Artwork Corporate and M&A

European Parliament Adopts a Resolution on the Restitution of Plundered Artwork

Due to growing public consciousness regarding the subject of artwork and cultural property plundered in times of war and colonialisation, the European Parliament has recently adopted a resolution asking for a harmonized system of laws aimed at regulating the restitution of such objects to their lawful owners.On the 17th January, 2019 the European Parliament voted resoundingly in favour of a resolution calling on the Union institutions and Member States to establish a legal framework encouraging the identification and recovery of artistic and cultural works. In particular, the resolution targets future transactions of those works which were obtained through confiscation or…
Mark Soler
15th February 2019
European Parliament Adopts a Resolution on the Restitution of Plundered Artwork Corporate and M&A

European Parliament Adopts a Resolution on the Restitution of Plundered Artwork

Due to growing public consciousness regarding the subject of artwork and cultural property plundered in times of war and colonialisation, the European Parliament has recently adopted a resolution asking for a harmonized system of laws aimed at regulating the restitution of such objects to their lawful owners.On the 17th January, 2019 the European Parliament voted resoundingly in favour of a resolution calling on the Union institutions and Member States to establish a legal framework encouraging the identification and recovery of artistic and cultural works. In particular, the resolution targets future transactions of those works which were obtained through confiscation or…
Mark Soler
15th February 2019