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Mamo TCV Advocates participate in University Careers Week 2018 News

Mamo TCV Advocates participate in University Careers Week 2018

Mamo TCV participated in this year's University Careers Week which took place last week between the 13th and 15th March, with a view to recruit students for its summer internship programme. The programme is designed to give students practical, hands-on experience by working within a leading law firm helping students to prepare for their future careers in their chosen area of specialisation. Associates from the firm met with interested applicants at the firm's stand on campus during careers week. Dr Michael Psaila, Managing Partner, and Dr Christina Scicluna, a senior associate, also participated in a discussion giving a general overview…
MamoTCV Advocates
21st March 2018
Mamo TCV Advocates participate in University Careers Week 2018 News

Mamo TCV Advocates participate in University Careers Week 2018

Mamo TCV participated in this year's University Careers Week which took place last week between the 13th and 15th March, with a view to recruit students for its summer internship programme. The programme is designed to give students practical, hands-on experience by working within a leading law firm helping students to prepare for their future careers in their chosen area of specialisation. Associates from the firm met with interested applicants at the firm's stand on campus during careers week. Dr Michael Psaila, Managing Partner, and Dr Christina Scicluna, a senior associate, also participated in a discussion giving a general overview…
MamoTCV Advocates
21st March 2018
Career Exploration for University Students 2022 News

Career Exploration for University Students 2022

Mamo TCV is seeking to recruit university students for a summer internship programme at the firm, across all its areas of practice. The programme is designed to give students practical, hands-on experience by working within a leading law firm, thus helping them to prepare for their future careers in their chosen area of specialisation. Interested candidates are encouraged to indicate their preferred areas of practice by selecting at least three departments of interest. The chosen applicants will be involved in projects that will expose them to the chosen area of practice in a working environment, drawing on the technical and…
6th March 2018
Malta Stock Exchange plc obtains regulatory approval to launch the Institutional Financial Securities Market Banking & FinanceCapital MarketsNews

Malta Stock Exchange plc obtains regulatory approval to launch the Institutional Financial Securities Market

Malta Stock Exchange plc. ("MSE") has obtained regulatory approval to launch the Institutional Financial Securities Market ("IFSM"), a securities market intended for issuers seeking to list securities falling within the scope of the Wholesale Securities Market rules, including but not limited to asset-backed and convertible debt securities, derivatives and insurance-linked notes, having a minimum denomination requirement of €100,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency).The IFSM will be regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and market participants will be required to apply to the Listing Authority for the purposes of listing any wholesale securities on the new recognised list…
Michael Psaila
9th October 2017
New Managing Partner at Mamo TCV Advocates News

New Managing Partner at Mamo TCV Advocates

Mamo TCV Advocates has announced that Dr Michael Psaila will be taking over the role of managing partner of the firm from Prof Andrew Muscat with effect from 1st November, 2017. Prof Muscat will continue to lead the firm's corporate and banking and finance departments.Outgoing managing partner, Prof. Andrew Muscat, commented: "Michael has the drive, experience and leadership skills that will continue to strengthen the firm's efforts in achieving excellence and unparalleled levels of service."Michael Psaila graduated Doctor of Laws from the University of Malta after submitting a doctoral thesis titled 'The Raising and Maintenance of Capital' and furthered his…
MamoTCV Advocates
6th October 2017
Employers Beware before ‘Spying’ on Employees! Employment and Industrial RelationsNews

Employers Beware before ‘Spying’ on Employees!

In a case decided last year, in the famous case of Barbulescu v Romania, the ECHR had found that there had been no breach of the employee's right to privacy when his employer dismissed him over private messages sent at work on the Yahoo messenger system set up by the same employer for work purposes. The employee's private online exchanges were being monitored and recorded by his employer. Personal use, such as that made by the employee, was in violation of the employer's internal regulations. The employer had proceeded to terminate his employment with the local Romanian county court, and…
Christine Calleja
5th September 2017