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Towards Trustworthy AI: Malta’s Ethical AI Framework Open for Public Consultation Telecoms, Media & Technology

Towards Trustworthy AI: Malta’s Ethical AI Framework Open for Public Consultation

In a bid to establish Malta as the "Ultimate AI Launchpad," the Malta.AI Taskforce has released a public consultation document on its intended ethical framework for Artificial Intelligence technology.The title of the document is self-explanatory: "Towards Trustworthy AI". This reflects the Maltese government's intentions of establishing a stable ground for the future development of disruptive technologies.Building on its National AI Strategy  the government intends to base the future of Malta's AI development on four objectives:A human-centric approachRespect for applicable laws, regulations, human rights and democratic valuesMaximising the benefits of AI systems while reducing risksAligning with international standards and norms. Following…
Michael Camilleri
13th August 2019
New GDPR Guidelines on CCTV Surveillance Telecoms, Media & Technology

New GDPR Guidelines on CCTV Surveillance

In today's world, video surveillance has become ubiquitous to the point that most people hardly even notice the presence of cameras and in some instances even expect cameras to be in place. Such an attitude towards the use of cameras belies how commonplace they have become and how accustomed we have grown to being constantly under surveillance. Acknowledging this reality, the European Data Protection Board ('EDPB'), which was established just over a year ago with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR'), has recently made available for public consultation its Guidelines on the processing of personal data through…
Warren Ciantar
22nd July 2019
New GDPR Guidelines on CCTV Surveillance Telecoms, Media & Technology

New GDPR Guidelines on CCTV Surveillance

In today's world, video surveillance has become ubiquitous to the point that most people hardly even notice the presence of cameras and in some instances even expect cameras to be in place. Such an attitude towards the use of cameras belies how commonplace they have become and how accustomed we have grown to being constantly under surveillance. Acknowledging this reality, the European Data Protection Board ('EDPB'), which was established just over a year ago with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR'), has recently made available for public consultation its Guidelines on the processing of personal data through…
Warren Ciantar
22nd July 2019
Mamo TCV Delivers GDPR talk at Society Education Event Telecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Delivers GDPR talk at Society Education Event

At the invitation of Society Education, on 21st March 2019 Mamo TCV Advocates delivered a talk regarding the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR'). The event took place at 'the Landmark' in Qormi, Malta. On behalf of Mamo TCV Advocates, Dr Claude Micallef-Grimaud and Dr Warren Ciantar delivered their three-hour presentation titled: 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): An Overview of its Most Salient Aspects'. The presentation was split into two parts, with the first examining certain key features of the GDPR including the legal grounds for processing personal data, the new fines that may be imposed, new information requirements to…
MamoTCV Advocates
31st March 2019
Malta: The Ultimate AI Launchpad Telecoms, Media & Technology

Malta: The Ultimate AI Launchpad

The Malta.AI Taskforce and the Maltese Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation has invited members of the public, industry and academia to provide feedback on its High-level policy document for public consultation 'Malta: towards an AI Strategy' (the 'Policy Document').The purpose of the Policy Document is to establish Malta as "amongst the top 10 nations with the highest impact national AI programme." The government argues that Malta has the natural and infrastructural qualities to make it "the Ultimate AI launchpad" - Its small population, climate, use of the English language and legislative and regulatory set-up ensure that…
Michael Camilleri
29th March 2019
Mamo TCV Advocates Contributes to the 2019 Edition of DLA Piper’s ‘Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook’ Telecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Advocates Contributes to the 2019 Edition of DLA Piper’s ‘Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook’

Ever since the 'Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook' was launched by DLA Piper in 2012, Mamo TCV Advocates has been closely involved therewith by providing, and subsequently updating on an annual basis, the chapter relating to Maltese data protection legislation. The 'Malta' section (now including GDPR implementation measures) was written by Dr Claude Micallef-Grimaud and is currently updated as at 10 January 2019. It can be accessed here.The handbook provides an overview of the key privacy and data protection laws and regulations (including GDPR implementation) across nearly 100 different jurisdictions and offers a primer to businesses as they…
Claude Micallef Grimaud
28th February 2019