On the invitation of Society Education, on 13th June, 2019 Mamo TCV Advocates delivered a seminar regarding recent amendments to the laws regulating voluntary organisations and foundations. On behalf of Mamo TCV Advocates, Dr Dorita Cardona and Dr Joshua Chircop delivered their three-hour presentation titled: ‘Amendments to Voluntary Organisations and Foundations’. The presentation was split into two parts, with the first examining certain key amendments to the Voluntary Organisations Act, including major definitions, the rules on non-profit making, mandatory enrolment, the application to enrol, suspension and cancellation orders, money laundering, and permissible trading activities. |
The second part explored the amendments brought about to the Second Schedule of the Civil Code primarily those dealing with foundations. These include purpose foundations, public benefit foundations, private foundations, beneficiary foundations, re-domiciliation of foundations, foreign and international foundations and crypto foundations.
The audience attending the seminar was comprised of a variety of individuals from different backgrounds. Although mainly consisting of lawyers and accountants, legal counsel and representatives from the voluntary sector were also present.
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