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Legal Update
Malta Business Registry Issues Notice Regarding Memoranda and Articles of Association Antitrust, Competition and TradeCorporate and M&ARegulatory Compliance

Malta Business Registry Issues Notice Regarding Memoranda and Articles of Association

On the 29thJuly, the Malta Business Registry (MBR) issued a notice advising that any memoranda and articles of association being filed with the Registrar of Companies, whether in the course of an incorporation of a new company or as an amendment to memoranda and articles of association of companies already registered, need to be amended in order to refer to certain notification obligations which Maltese companies may be subject to. The required amendment relates to the objects clause of a company’s memorandum and articles of association and the proviso which is generally included which provides that the objects for which…
Mamo TCV Advocates
30th July 2024
Photo of a Gavel
IIJ Scholarship in the Rule of Law and Criminal Justice News

IIJ Scholarship in the Rule of Law and Criminal Justice

Mamo TCV Advocates is pleased to support the George Vella Award for Criminal Justice Excellence, which has been launched by the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) in commemoration of its 10th Anniversary. The scholarship aims to support the next generation of Maltese leaders in the counter-terrorism space. The scholarship will award a Maltese student enrolled in an accredited Maltese university with a three-month paid internship at the IIJ for three months during the 2024-2025 academic year, at a time that suits the awardee’s schedule, in-person at the IIJ in Valletta. The IIJ, based in Valletta,…
Mamo TCV Advocates
29th July 2024
View from Valletta by Ian Busuttil
Decision on the Quantum of Rent Payable Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Decision on the Quantum of Rent Payable

In a judgment decided on the 26th of June 2024 in the names Marcus Scicluna Marshall et vs Michael Borg Cardona, the Court of Appeal in its Inferior Jurisdiction confirmed that no appeal can be filed from the rate established by the Rent Regulation Board to increase the rent for leases predating the year 1995. Act XXIV of 2021, which introduced amendments to the laws on protected residential leases, gave the right to lessors who are bound by lease agreements with respect to dwelling houses predating 1st June 1995 to request an increase in the rent payable that is calculated…
Mamo TCV Staff Helping Hospice Malta with New DTU library
Mamo TCV Helping Hospice Malta with New DTU library News

Mamo TCV Helping Hospice Malta with New DTU library

Mamo TCV Advocates is currently supporting Hospice Malta with the setting up of a new Day Therapy Unit (“DTU”) library which will open in the coming months. Hospice Malta is an NGO in Malta which is dedicated to delivering and advocating for the highest quality palliative care for individuals with cancer, motor neurone disease, and end-stage respiratory, renal and cardiac conditions. In addition to helping patients and supporting their families, Hospice Malta recognises the importance of sharing knowledge within the local community about palliative care and ensuring that the highest standards are upheld through collaboration with various organisations which are…
Mamo TCV Advocates
18th July 2024
Mamo TCV Advocates - DORA Services
Six Months Until DORA: Mamo TCV Advocates Launches Detailed Overview Banking & FinanceCapital MarketsDORAFinTechInsurance & Reinsurance

Six Months Until DORA: Mamo TCV Advocates Launches Detailed Overview

On the 17th of January 2025, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) will become applicable across the EU, including Malta. Maltese financial entities and ICT providers have 6 months to prepare for the new legal obligations that shall be imposed. In conjunction, on the 17th of January 2025, the Malta Financial Services Authority Act (Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)) Regulations, shall also come into force, further regulating the matter in Malta. We have recently launched our DORA microsite ( with easily understandable information which can serve as your reference point for available guidance. This document does not purport to give legal, financial…
Mamo TCV Advocates
17th July 2024
Mamo TCV Offices
Mamo TCV Welcomes New Interns for its Summer Internship Programme News

Mamo TCV Welcomes New Interns for its Summer Internship Programme

The Firm’s managing partner, Dr Joe Borg Bartolo, welcomed the new interns who have joined its summer internship programme for this year. As part of the programme, university law students are given the opportunity to obtain hands-on experience in the legal field across the Firm’s various practice areas. Two of the Firm’s newly joined associates, Dr Kristen Camilleri and Dr Jake Buttigieg, also participated in this morning’s meeting to share their internship experience at the Firm and their transition from intern to associate.
Mamo TCV Advocates
11th July 2024