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Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Sub-Letting of Commercial Tenements After 31st May 2018 – Let it Be!

In terms of article 1531I of the Civil Code, as introduced by the amendments to the rent laws in 2009, a lease of commercial premises made before the 1st June 1995 shall terminate on 31st May 2028, unless a specific period has been stipulated in a contract and subject to the other specific provisions contained in this provision as may be applicable in a given case.In the case of sub-letting of commercial tenements made before the 1st June 1995, these shall terminate on 31st May 2018. This cut-off date does not apply if the sub-lease was made by agreement with…
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Sub-Letting of Commercial Tenements After 31st May 2018 – Let it Be!

In terms of article 1531I of the Civil Code, as introduced by the amendments to the rent laws in 2009, a lease of commercial premises made before the 1st June 1995 shall terminate on 31st May 2028, unless a specific period has been stipulated in a contract and subject to the other specific provisions contained in this provision as may be applicable in a given case.In the case of sub-letting of commercial tenements made before the 1st June 1995, these shall terminate on 31st May 2018. This cut-off date does not apply if the sub-lease was made by agreement with…

Career Exploration for University Students 2022

Mamo TCV is seeking to recruit university students for a summer internship programme at the firm, across all its areas of practice. The programme is designed to give students practical, hands-on experience by working within a leading law firm, thus helping them to prepare for their future careers in their chosen area of specialisation. Interested candidates are encouraged to indicate their preferred areas of practice by selecting at least three departments of interest. The chosen applicants will be involved in projects that will expose them to the chosen area of practice in a working environment, drawing on the technical and…
6th March 2018
Telecoms, Media & Technology

MaltaToday speaks with MAMO TCV Advocates on the concerns and stability behind cryptocurrencies

MaltaToday speaks with Christina Scicluna, Senior Associate at MAMO TCV Advocates on the concerns surrounding cryptocurrencies and whether the price fluctuations of cryptocurrencies pose a threat to the stability of the market. The way investors are protected and what may be done to increase such protection is also discussed. The interview discusses certain misconceptions surrounding cryptocurrencies, with particular focus on anonymity of users and whether the use of cryptocurrencies facilitates money laundering or whether this too is a misconception. The hands-on approach and positive attitude which the Government has taken towards this new industry, as evidenced by the consultation document…
Ian Busuttil
2nd March 2018
Telecoms, Media & Technology

MaltaToday speaks with MAMO TCV Advocates on the concerns and stability behind cryptocurrencies

MaltaToday speaks with Christina Scicluna, Senior Associate at MAMO TCV Advocates on the concerns surrounding cryptocurrencies and whether the price fluctuations of cryptocurrencies pose a threat to the stability of the market. The way investors are protected and what may be done to increase such protection is also discussed. The interview discusses certain misconceptions surrounding cryptocurrencies, with particular focus on anonymity of users and whether the use of cryptocurrencies facilitates money laundering or whether this too is a misconception. The hands-on approach and positive attitude which the Government has taken towards this new industry, as evidenced by the consultation document…
Ian Busuttil
2nd March 2018
Employment and Industrial Relations

Does ‘on-call’ time qualify as ‘working time?

In a recent judgment, Ville de Nivelles v Rudy Matzak, decided on the 21st February 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union tackled the issue of 'working time' in terms of Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time, and provided guidance as to when being on-call must be considered as 'working time' within the meaning of the Directive, even if the worker is at home.Rudy Matzak was a volunteer firefighter serving at Nivelles' fire station. One of the conditions of service was that during periods of stand-by, fire-fighters had to remain at all times…
Christine Calleja
27th February 2018