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GDPR Administrative Fines: New Guidelines Recently Adopted Telecoms, Media & Technology

GDPR Administrative Fines: New Guidelines Recently Adopted

On 25 May 2018, Regulation 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect across the European Union (including Malta). As has been widely reported, infringement of the GDPR may lead to fines as high as €20,000,000 or 4% of an entity's total worldwide annual turnover (whichever is higher). On 3rd October 2017, the Article 29 Working Party adopted guidelines on the application and setting of the said administrative fines under the GDPR. The guidelines are intended for use by supervisory authorities to ensure improved application and enforcement of the GDPR and to encourage its consistent interpretation and…
Claude Micallef Grimaud
25th October 2017
Michael Psaila moderates securitisation panel during the launch of the Institutional Financial Services Market at the Malta Stock Exchange. Banking & Finance

Michael Psaila moderates securitisation panel during the launch of the Institutional Financial Services Market at the Malta Stock Exchange.

Mamo TCV partner Michael Psaila moderated a panel on "Opportunities within the Securitisation Sector" during an event organized by the Malta Stock Exchange on Wednesday 18th October 2017 to launch the Institutional Financial Services Market.The panel discussed matters recent securitization trends at a domestic and international level, Malta's attractive suite of securitization legislation and the effects of the recently STS/CRR legislative package that was successfully negotiated on at an EU level during Malta's Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Michael Psaila
20th October 2017
Blockchain Technology & the Law: Myriad Business Opportunities Telecoms, Media & Technology

Blockchain Technology & the Law: Myriad Business Opportunities

What is Blockchain? Blockchain can be described as a digital database or ledger which is shared between a network of computers. The premise of blockchain, as well as its distinctive feature, is that it works on distributed trustless consensus. Each transaction entered into the ledger (known as a block) is connected to the block before it and the block after it, creating a chain of transactions which is traceable back to the original transaction. In turn, each computer (known as a node) connected to the network has a copy of all the information stored in this database. The data is continuously…
13th October 2017
Malta Stock Exchange plc obtains regulatory approval to launch the Institutional Financial Securities Market Banking & FinanceCapital MarketsNews

Malta Stock Exchange plc obtains regulatory approval to launch the Institutional Financial Securities Market

Malta Stock Exchange plc. ("MSE") has obtained regulatory approval to launch the Institutional Financial Securities Market ("IFSM"), a securities market intended for issuers seeking to list securities falling within the scope of the Wholesale Securities Market rules, including but not limited to asset-backed and convertible debt securities, derivatives and insurance-linked notes, having a minimum denomination requirement of €100,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency).The IFSM will be regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and market participants will be required to apply to the Listing Authority for the purposes of listing any wholesale securities on the new recognised list…
Michael Psaila
9th October 2017
New Managing Partner at Mamo TCV Advocates News

New Managing Partner at Mamo TCV Advocates

Mamo TCV Advocates has announced that Dr Michael Psaila will be taking over the role of managing partner of the firm from Prof Andrew Muscat with effect from 1st November, 2017. Prof Muscat will continue to lead the firm's corporate and banking and finance departments.Outgoing managing partner, Prof. Andrew Muscat, commented: "Michael has the drive, experience and leadership skills that will continue to strengthen the firm's efforts in achieving excellence and unparalleled levels of service."Michael Psaila graduated Doctor of Laws from the University of Malta after submitting a doctoral thesis titled 'The Raising and Maintenance of Capital' and furthered his…
MamoTCV Advocates
6th October 2017
Getting the Deal Through: Dispute Resolution 2017 Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Getting the Deal Through: Dispute Resolution 2017

Mamo TCV has contributed the Malta chapter to the 2017 online issue of "Dispute Resolution", a yearly comparative law guide published by Getting the Deal Through. Getting the Deal Through was the first legal publication series to present the concept of a "question and answer format". This is a convenient way for law firms, universities, regulators, and corporate counsel at to have at their fingertips a reliable introduction to various subject matters, as regulated in different jurisdictions. The series now covers over 890 practice areas with analysis on more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm's contribution confirms Mamo TCV's leading position in…
Joseph Camilleri
27th September 2017