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Malta Launches Formal Bid to Host European Medicines Agency (EMA) Post Brexit Corporate and M&A

Malta Launches Formal Bid to Host European Medicines Agency (EMA) Post Brexit

​Following Brexit, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be forced to relocate its headquarters out of London. Several EU Member States have already expressed an interest in hosting the EMA. Recently, Malta has also stepped forward and formally launched its bid to take on this role. The bid is being led by the Malta Medicines Authority and the launch thereof was formally announced on 20th March 2017 at an event held at the Grand Master's Palace in Valletta, Malta.Addressing the press conference, Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties Helena Dalli, augured that "Malta's safe and social environment…
David Tonna
27th March 2017
Chambers – Global Practice Guides for Shipping 2017 Shipping, Yachting and Transport

Chambers – Global Practice Guides for Shipping 2017

Nick Valenzia and Joseph Camilleri have contributed to this year's Chambers Law and Practice Guide – Shipping. This comprehensive guide covers all area of ship registration finance and provides interesting insight on traditional topics such as; various type of ship registrations (ownership, bareboat), ship mortgages and asset finance and liens. Valenzia and Camilleri further delve into and explore contemporaneous topics of interest such as access to capital markets and insolvency.Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Nicholas Valenzia and…
Nicholas Valenzia
23rd March 2017
The Maltese Professional Investor Fund Regime Investment Services & Funds

The Maltese Professional Investor Fund Regime

Under Maltese law, collective investment schemes that qualify as Professional Investor Funds ("PIFs") are subject to a significantly lighter and more flexible regime than retail funds. Hedge funds, funds of funds, private equity funds, and property funds, are typically set up as a PIF, in Malta. The Investment Services Rules for Professional Investor Funds, issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority ("MFSA") cater for a regulatory framework that is both robust and adaptable, allowing managers and promoters to innovate and to develop new products to meet the changing needs of the market. Changes to the Investor Base On 1 April…
Katya Tua
21st March 2017
Family Trusts Trusts, Foundations and Wealth Management

Family Trusts

This article was written by Veronica Grixti and Joshua Chircop.The main Maltese legislation regulating trusts in Malta, namely the Trusts and Trustees Act, Chapter 331 of the Laws of Malta ('the Act'), provides that a trust may be created to hold property settled by a settlor or settlors for the present and future needs of family members or family dependants, as defined hereunder, who are definite and can be ascertained ('the Family Trust').Pursuant to the Act, the Malta Financial Services Authority ('the MFSA') has drawn up Rules for Trustees of Family Trusts ('the Rules'), which regulate those companies in formation…
Veronica Grixti
17th March 2017
Mamo TCV Advocates Contributes to the 2017 Edition of DLA Piper’s ‘Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook’ Telecoms, Media & Technology

Mamo TCV Advocates Contributes to the 2017 Edition of DLA Piper’s ‘Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook’

Ever since the 'Data Protection Laws of The World Handbook' was launched by DLA Piper in 2012, Mamo TCV Advocates has been closely involved therewith by providing, and subsequently updating on an annual basis, the chapter relating to Maltese data protection legislation. The 'Malta' section is currently updated as at 26 January 2017 and is available here.The handbook provides an overview of the key privacy and data protection laws and regulations across nearly 100 different jurisdictions and offers a primer to businesses as they consider this complex and increasingly important area of compliance.The full edition of the world handbook itself…
New Business Hours Regulations in Malta – Express Consent of Employee Required to Work on Sundays Employment and Industrial Relations

New Business Hours Regulations in Malta – Express Consent of Employee Required to Work on Sundays

In line with the new Business Hours Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 441.08), which have come into force as of January 2017 and which allow shops to open on Sundays (subject to the opening times established in the same Regulations), the Wholesale and Retail Trades Wages Council Wage Regulation Order (Subsidiary legislation 452.63) has also been amended.Amongst other changes in the working times and periods of rest, an important introduction in the Wholesale and Retail Trades Wages Council Wage Regulation Order is that contained in regulation 6A which provides that employees covered by the Wage Regulation Order shall only be obliged to work…
Christine Calleja
10th March 2017