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EU Council lift sanctions against Iran News and Publications

EU Council lift sanctions against Iran

The MFSA has issued a Notice to all Financial Services Licence Holders confirming the removal of sanctions against the state of Iran via EU Council Regulations adopted on the 16th January 2016. Such measures primarily: •             Remove the entities and individuals that were previously on the sanctions lists and assets pertaining thereto. •             Removes previous restrictions relating to transfer of funds to and from Iran •             Reallows the  provision of banking services including the establishment of correspondent banking relationships and opening of accounts for non-listed Iranian institutions and persons •             Reallows the opening of branches, subsidiaries or representative offices of…
MamoTCV Advocates
1st July 2016
Merger of Mamo TCV Advocates and Simon Tortell & Associates Winding Up and Insolvency

Merger of Mamo TCV Advocates and Simon Tortell & Associates

We are very happy to announce that the law firms of Mamo TCV Advocates and Simon Tortell & Associates are merging with effect from 1 July 2016. The newly merged law firm will continue to be known as Mamo TCV.As a consequence Mamo TCV will admit three new partners Michael Psaila, Frank Testa and Katya Tua. We are very excited about this development and are convinced that by combining the mutual strengths of the two firms and complementing its practice areas with additional expertise, Mamo TCV will be in a position to further grow its practice and provide its esteemed…
Andrew Muscat
1st July 2016


Want to Protect your Intellectual Property? Under Maltese law, copyright covers a number of exclusive rights that are owned by individuals or organisations in respect of an original work (be it an artistic work, a musical work, a work of literature, computer software, an audio-visual work, etc.).  These rights include, among other things, the right to authorise or prevent third parties from reproducing (or ‘copying’) a work or a substantial part of it, from altering it or adapting it and from distributing or communicating it to the public.  Similar rights (also known as related rights or neighbouring rights) are given…
MamoTCV Advocates
24th June 2016
FAQs – Funds FAQ

FAQs – Funds

Setting up a Fund in Malta The principal advantages which are generally perceived to give Malta a competitive edge as a fund domicile of choice include the low level of costs involved in the setting up of a fund, the flexibility of the legal structures that are permitted under Maltese law aswell as the approachability and efficiency of Malta’s single regulator and supervisor. Furthermore, Malta’s EU membership has paved the way for its adoption of the UCITS and AIFM directives. Malta also benefits from a large number of local and foreign credit institutions, fund administrators and investment firms having a…
MamoTCV Advocates
24th June 2016
FAQs – Setting up a Company in Malta FAQ

FAQs – Setting up a Company in Malta

Setting up a Company in Malta Malta as a jurisdiction of choice: Malta has emerged as a stable and efficient financial centre despite the island’s relatively small size.  The country’s sound banking system and favourable tax planning options have attracted the interest of a number of the world’s leading financial institutions and high-net worth individuals.  In addition, Malta offers a wide range of corporate vehicles such as companies, limited partnerships, SPVs, trusts and foundations.  These vehicles have been designed to provide asset planners with a certain level of security and the necessary structures for the setting up of even the…
MamoTCV Advocates
24th June 2016
FAQS – Citizenship FAQ

FAQS – Citizenship

Citizenship/Residence /Visa Why choose to live in Malta? In 2015, Malta was voted the third best place in the world to live Malta has long been coveted for its strategic location, temperate Mediterranean climate, and more recently the advantages afforded by being the smallest EU (and a Schengen) Member State. Its continued focus on; increasing direct travel links with the world’s major financial centres, offering a safe environment, broadening its bi-lateral immigration treaties and maintaining one of the top ranked passport in the world, ensures that it’s colourful history will continue to be written.  1. Malta’s Individual Investor Programme (MIIP) The…
MamoTCV Advocates
24th June 2016