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Mamo TCV Advocates attend World Services Group European Regional Forum in Stockholm News

Mamo TCV Advocates attend World Services Group European Regional Forum in Stockholm

Mamo TCV Advocates managing partner, Michael Psaila and partner Edmond Zammit Laferla attended the World Services Group’s European Regional Forum in Stockholm, which was hosted by Swedish member firm, Delphi and took place between 1st and 3rd June 2022. The World Services Group is a leading global network of independent law firms from over 150 jurisdictions with over 23,000 professionals globally. The event presented an excellent opportunity for all members to meet and share ideas with colleagues from firms across Europe after a 2 year hiatus due to COVID19 pandemic.
MamoTCV Advocates
3rd June 2022
Legal Update
Legal Update on UCITS Information Documents Investment Services & FundsLegal Updates

Legal Update on UCITS Information Documents

A key feature of Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (“UCITS” fund) is the Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”), which provides the retail investor with simplified information from the prospectus. UCITS also qualify as Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance Products (“PRIIPS”). Since PRIIPs are required to do a Key Information Document (“KID”), promoters of a UCITS fund were technically obliged to provide both the KIID as well as the KID. Thus, these conflicting requirements would have created unclarity for the retail investor. Initially, an exemption was provided for investment companies and management companies who are promoting a UCITS…
Mamo TCV Advocates
1st June 2022
Mamo TCV Webinar – General Product Oversight and Governance Requirements Webinars

Mamo TCV Webinar – General Product Oversight and Governance Requirements

One of the objectives of Product Oversight and Governance requirements is for manufacturers and distributors of an insurance or investment product to take into consideration the interests of customers when designing and /or distributing the relevant product. This webinar will be of interest to individuals working in compliance and/or having a client facing role at an insurance undertaking; insurance intermediaries and/or MiFID firms. This webinar will cover: - The main Product Oversight and Governance (‘POG’) requirements applicable to insurance undertakings and insurance intermediaries acting as manufacturer and/or distributor of insurance products; - The main Product Governance Requirements applicable to MiFID…
Ian Busuttil
26th May 2022
Mamo TCV Advocates participate in the International Fraud Group’s Bi-Annual Meeting in London Litigation & Dispute ResolutionNews

Mamo TCV Advocates participate in the International Fraud Group’s Bi-Annual Meeting in London

Dr Michael Psaila and Dr Christine Calleja participated in the International Fraud Group’s bi-annual meeting, which was held in London on the 11th and 12th May 2022. The IFG was established in 1997 by London firm Mischon de Reya with the aim of bringing together law firms that work in fraud investigation and asset recovery and now boasts members from over 50 countries. The network has also recently launched an initiative to identify weaknesses in companies’ supply chains relating to human trafficking and exploitation, in a bid to curb these activities. More information about the IFG’s activities can be accessed…
Christine Calleja
24th May 2022
EBACE 2022
Mamo TCV participates in EBACE 2022 News

Mamo TCV participates in EBACE 2022

Dr Ingrid Fenech and Dr Joshua Chircop participated in the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE), which was held in Geneva on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of May, 2022. EBACE is one of the major international events held in this sector and is an annual meeting place for the European business aviation community. The exhibition typically brings together business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, flight department personnel, avionics firms, service providers, charter/lease companies and legal professionals involved in every aspect of business aviation.This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information…
MamoTCV Advocates
21st May 2022
Mamo TCV Advocates promotes European Mental Health Awareness week News

Mamo TCV Advocates promotes European Mental Health Awareness week

As part of the European Mental Health Week, in its efforts to increase mental health awareness amongst all members of staff, Mamo TCV Advocates invited Richmond Foundation to deliver a talk on this important topic during an event held on Monday 9th May 2022. Richmond Foundation was represented by Matthew Paris who gave an excellent and engaging presentation at The Casino Maltese. The presentation provided practical examples on how mental health and mental illness manifest themselves; how to prevent and overcome stress; how self-care allows us to benefit from good mental health; and simple daily practices conducive to a life…
MamoTCV Advocates
14th May 2022