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MFSA implements Fast-track Filing Procedure for Offering Documents of Collective Investment Schemes amended to comply with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations. Investment Services & Funds

MFSA implements Fast-track Filing Procedure for Offering Documents of Collective Investment Schemes amended to comply with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations.

Following the entry into force of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR") in December 2020, the provisions of the said Regulations will become effective on the 10th March 2021.By way of background, the SFDR will require financial market participants and financial advisors to make pre-contractual and ongoing disclosures to investors regarding the integration of sustainability risk, the impacts of adverse sustainability, as well as the promotion of ESG characteristics and sustainable investments (as applicable). In this respect, pursuant to a circular dated 9th February 2021, the Malta Financial Services Authority ("MFSA") communicated the process to be adopted for the submission…
Katya Tua
16th February 2021
Mamo TCV: Internship Opportunities for University Students Legal Updates

Mamo TCV: Internship Opportunities for University Students

Mamo TCV is seeking to recruit university students for a summer internship programme at the firm, across all its areas of practice. The programme is designed to give students practical, hands-on experience by working within a leading law firm, thus helping them to prepare for their future careers in their chosen area of specialisation. Interested candidates are encouraged to indicate their preferred areas of practice by selecting at least three departments of interest. The chosen applicants will be involved in projects that will expose them to the chosen area of practice in a working environment, drawing on the technical and…
MamoTCV Advocates
15th February 2021
Future judicial cooperation between the EU & UK: Assessing the implication of a “Hard Brexit” for judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters. Antitrust, Competition and TradeCorporate and M&ALitigation & Dispute ResolutionWinding Up and Insolvency

Future judicial cooperation between the EU & UK: Assessing the implication of a “Hard Brexit” for judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters.

The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the "TCA") concluded on Christmas Eve, 2020 is silent with respect to judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters (as opposed to cooperation in criminal matters). Consequently, as from 1st January, 2021 the UK is treated as a third state with respect to the application of a number of significant EU legislation regulating matters of cross-border judicial cooperation (e.g. the rules governing the recognition and enforcement of court judgements or the choice of jurisdiction and applicable law clauses). Given the regularity with which an English law clause, usually supported by a choice of English…
Simon Pullicino
8th February 2021
Mamo TCV Advocates presents donation to Malta Guide Dogs Foundation Press Release

Mamo TCV Advocates presents donation to Malta Guide Dogs Foundation

Dr Michael Psaila, Managing Partner of Mamo TCV Advocates, underlined the firm's commitment to the visually impaired and the Malta Guide Dogs Foundation (MGDF) in particular when he not only presented a donation but committed the firm to assisting the foundation in its legal affairs in the coming years.It was the wish of the firm, which has a staff complement of over 70 people, to select the MGDF as one of the beneficiaries of their annual charity donation. The firm counts among its lawyers Dr Kevin Cutajar, MP, who is a board member of the MGDF.The firm brings a heritage…
MamoTCV Advocates
5th February 2021
The Court of Appeal on: Onus of Proof & Defects Liability Period Litigation & Dispute Resolution

The Court of Appeal on: Onus of Proof & Defects Liability Period

In a recent judgment in the case Middlesea Insurance plc illum Mapfre Middlesea p.l.c. vs Spot On Gypsum Limited, the Court of Appeal overturned the conclusion of the First Hall, Civil Court with respect to the onus of proof. The case referred to an action for damages following an accident suffered by a resident in a hotel due to defective works carried out by the defendant company. The First Hall of the Civil Court had concluded that the defendant company was, in fact, responsible for the damages, but failed to liquidate the damages or to condemn the defendant company to…
Louise Sant Fournier
4th February 2021
State Aid and the Pandemic: 10 Months On COVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

State Aid and the Pandemic: 10 Months On

The State Aid Temporary Framework (the "Framework") was initially adopted by the Commission on the 19 March to ease the difficulties various undertakings were facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was subsequently amended on a number of occasions to reflect the ever-changing effects of the pandemic and was set to expire on 30 June 2021, bar the recapitalisation measures that were to remain in effect until 30 September 2021. As a result of the pandemic's continued progression, the Commission deemed it fit to extend the Framework's scope and measures – including the recapitalisation measures – further. The…
MamoTCV Advocates
3rd February 2021