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Identity Malta Issues Update on Single Permit Applications Immigration

Identity Malta Issues Update on Single Permit Applications

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Identity Malta had suspended all new single permit applications, barring those applications submitted under the Key Employee Initiative and by medical professionals. Nonetheless, third country nationals who were present in Malta and held a valid work permit were able to change their employer, irrespective of their application type.Identity Malta has now stated that it will be re-opening its services and shall be accepting Single Permit applications as of 3rd August, 2020. All new applications will be subject to more scrutiny than before, with a large focus on labour market tests and any applicable legislation. Following the…
Julian Fenech Adami
17th July 2020
Undertakings with Links to Tax Havens not to Receive State aid Antitrust, Competition and TradeLegal Updates

Undertakings with Links to Tax Havens not to Receive State aid

The European Commission ('Commission') has issued a recommendation to Member States that undertakings with links to tax havens (see list) and/or undertakings that have been convicted of serious financial crimes should not be beneficiaries of any state aid.The aim behind this recommendation is to avoid the misuse of public funds and to strengthen safeguards against tax abuse and financial crime throughout the Union. Nevertheless, it ought to be noted that the recommendation does not absolutely prohibit every undertaking with a link to a listed non-cooperative jurisdiction from receiving State aid. Member States are to make known to the Commission the…
MamoTCV Advocates
16th July 2020
马耳他航空旅行对Covid 19的回应 Uncategorized

马耳他航空旅行对Covid 19的回应

马耳他发布了2020年第255号法律公告,题为《2020年旅行禁令(适用于所有国家)(第2号修正案)令》,根据《公共卫生法》(第465章),自2020年7月15日起,允许以下国家和马耳他相互往来:(1) 奥地利;(2) 塞浦路斯;(3) 捷克共和国;(4) 丹麦;(5) 爱沙尼亚;(6) 芬兰;(7) 匈牙利;(8) 冰岛;(9) 爱尔兰;(10) 德国;(11) 拉脱维亚;(12) 立陶宛;(13) 卢森堡;(14) 挪威;(15) 意大利;(16) 法国;(17) 斯洛伐克;(18) 瑞士;(19) 希腊;(20) 克罗地亚;(21)西班牙;(22)波兰;(23)联合王国;(24)比利时;(25)保加利亚;(26)荷兰;(27)加拿大;(28)澳大利亚;(29)新西兰;(30)韩国;(31)安道尔;(32)摩纳哥;(33)圣马力诺;(34)中国;(35)梵蒂冈城;(36)卢旺达;(37)乌拉圭;(38)斯洛文尼亚;(39)日本;(40)摩洛哥;(41)泰国;(42)突尼斯;(43)葡萄牙;(44)罗马尼亚;(45)黎巴嫩;(46)印度尼西亚;(47)阿拉伯联合酋长国;(48)土耳其;(49)约旦;(50)列支敦士登。 Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax advice. Should you require further information or legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Dr. Christian Tonna
14th July 2020
Malta Air Travel Response to Covid 19 Uncategorized

Malta Air Travel Response to Covid 19

With the publication of Legal Notice255 of 2020 entitled the Travel Ban (Extension to all Countries) (Amendment No 2) Order, 2020, under the Public Health Act (Cap.465), as from 15th of July, 2020 travel will be permitted to Malta from the following countries and from Malta to the same countries:(1) Austria;(2) Cyprus;(3) Czech Republic;(4) Denmark; (5) Estonia; (6) Finland; (7) Hungary; (8) Iceland; (9) Ireland; (10) Germany; (11) Latvia; (12) Lithuania; (13) Luxembourg; (14) Norway; (15) Italy; (16) France; (17) Slovakia; (18) Switzerland;(19) Greece; (20) Croatia; (21) Spain;(22) Poland; (23) United Kingdom; (24) Belgium; (25) Bulgaria; (26) Netherlands; (27) Canada; (28)…
14th July 2020
Are Foreign Subsidies Distorting the EU’s Single Market? Antitrust, Competition and Trade

Are Foreign Subsidies Distorting the EU’s Single Market?

This article was written by Dr Michael Psaila and Dr Laura SpiteriThe openness of the European Union (the 'EU') to foreign investment has been the subject of much recent debate. While this openness brought with it a myriad of opportunities, it also brought increased risks and in light of this, the European Commission (the 'Commission') published for consultation a White Paper on Foreign Subsidies in the Internal Market (the 'White Paper') on the 17 June 2020. Various EU instruments, including competition and public procurement rules, ensure fair conditions in the Single Market, with subsidies by Member States being subjected to…
Michael Psaila
13th July 2020