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Bill proposing amendments to the Companies Act. Corporate and M&A

Bill proposing amendments to the Companies Act.

This article was written by Dr Michael Psaila and Dr Joshua Chircop.OverviewOn 13th May 2020, the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses tabled the Companies Act (Amendment) Bill (the "Bill") which proposes certain amendments to the Companies Act, Chapter 386 of the Laws of Malta (the "Act").The Bill proposes: grounds for ineligibility and disqualification from holding certain offices under the Act; powers to the Minister to make regulations on winding up applications (including the suspension of the right to make winding up applications), regulations on wrongful trading (including the retrospective suspension of the wrongful trading provisions)…
Michael Psaila
21st May 2020
Dispute Panel for Landlords and Tenants and an Update from Identity Malta Agency ImmigrationLitigation & Dispute Resolution

Dispute Panel for Landlords and Tenants and an Update from Identity Malta Agency

With the new Private Residential Leases Act in full force, a large number of new lease agreements have been signed over the past few months, all of which have to abide by the new laws set out by the previously mentioned Act. In fact, a survey has shown that over 10,000 new rental contracts have been entered into.Naturally, a number of disputes arise between landlords and tenants, resulting in numerous fees and time-consuming court proceedings. However, a new panel has been set up to help cater for certain disputes.The new adjudicating panel, made up of professionals in the sector, will…
Julian Fenech Adami
19th May 2020
Commission approves Malta’s state aid scheme to support investments in the production of coronavirus-relevant products COVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

Commission approves Malta’s state aid scheme to support investments in the production of coronavirus-relevant products

On 12 May 2020, the European Commission approved an €11.5 million state aid scheme to support investments in the production of coronavirus-related products such as vaccines, personal protective equipment, and ventilators. Undertakings operating in sectors related to the production or the diversifying of products related to the coronavirus outbreak may benefit from this scheme through direct grants, repayable advances, and tax advantages. However, beneficiaries must complete investments projects in this regard within six months after receiving the aid.The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework that was put into effect on 19 March 2020. Disclaimer This document does…
MamoTCV Advocates
19th May 2020
马耳他各局相关政策变化解析 Uncategorized


一、马耳他身份局和外籍人士的进一步改变鉴于COVID-19的不断发展,在国家和全球范围内采取了许多措施来帮助防止新型冠状病毒的传播。马耳他身份局也采取了必要措施,以促进公共卫生,并帮助尽量减少传播。非欧盟公民 马耳他身份局采取的一项主要措施是,在另行通知之前,完全停止所有的工作许可证申请。但是,某些例外情况除外。 工作许可证申请可分为两类:标准申请和关键员工计划("KEI")申请。虽然马耳他身份局已经停止了标准工作许可证申请,但KEI申请仍被接受。符合以下标准的个人有资格申请KEI:i.年薪至少30000欧元; ii.职位要求是管理人员或高技术人员; iii.三年以上工作经验、相关资格或证书; iv.拥有当前雇主的声明,声明申请人具有必要的资格证书 马耳他身份局还接受在卫生部门工作的雇员以及在老年人和残疾人社会护理部门工作的雇员申请。 居住在第三国公民的家庭成员和临时居留申请人可提交新的或续期的申请,申请将逐案审议。欧盟公民 欧盟公民及其家庭成员,如果在马耳他停留超过90天,而且没有登记其住所的,或其居留证件已过期的,则必须向当局通报其目前的情况。 二、MRVA文件预约提交政策变化根据MRVA第31号通告,鉴于马耳他最近的COVID-19发展以及政府提出的增加和实施社会距离的建议,MRVA将改变现行的执行制度。MRVA将在接待处放置两个箱子,其中一个标记为'附加文件';另一份作为'原始档案'。授权代理人需将文件放在箱子里。所有文件均应明确标明授权代理编号和提交日期。MRVA收到文件后,授权代理人将通过电子邮件收到与所提交文件有关的收据或报告。三、MRVA更换新办公地址根据MRVA第32号通告:MRVA将迁入Qormi的新办公地点,从 5月4日星期一开始正式在新办公地点办公。自即日起,MRVA的新地址是:Malta Residency Visa Agency,Zentrum Business Centre, Mdina Road, Qormi QRM 9010, Malta.MRVA的电话号码保持不变,但电子邮件地址已迁移到政府域""。MRVA的旧电子邮件地址将保持活跃状态并自动转发。MRVA客户服务的电子邮件地址现在是从5月6日星期三起,MRVA的网站域名也将更改为。如果代理人在宣传材料中引用了这些细节,请做相应地修改。Mamo TCV Advocates专设移民部门,拥有两名官方授权代理,是移民领域的权威,授权编制和提交全球居住计划(GRP)、马耳他永居签证计划(MRVP)以及马耳他护照投资计划(MIIP)的申请。这两位律师以及经验丰富的团队为客户提供有关马耳他所有移民事务的咨询和建议。
19th May 2020
Analysis of the Maltese Immigration Authorities policy changes Uncategorized

Analysis of the Maltese Immigration Authorities policy changes

This article was written by Mamo TCV's Immigration Department.1. Further changes to the Malta Identity Bureau and foreigners In view of COVID-19, many measures have been taken at national and global level to help ease the effects of the pandemic. Identity Malta has also taken its own measures to promote public health and help minimize transmission. Non-EU citizensIdentity Malta has almost completely suspended work permit applications until further notice, apart from a few exceptions.New work permit applications may be primarily divided into two categories: standard applications and key employee initiative ("KEI") applications.Individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible to…
19th May 2020