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MFSA Extends Regulatory Reporting Deadlines for Investment Firms, Funds and Managers COVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

MFSA Extends Regulatory Reporting Deadlines for Investment Firms, Funds and Managers

In light of the current pandemic in which we find ourselves, the MFSA has announced that it will be extending the deadlines for submission of regulatory reporting for investment firms, investment funds and fund managers which fall due by March or April 2020. However, with regard to those submissions which fall due by May or June 2020, the MFSA is reluctant to grant extensions for the time-being.1. Investment FirmsCategory 1-4 (excluding credit institutions) - Annual Report, Audited Financial Statements, COREP Return, and Management Letter, Circularisation Exercise ReportDeadlines for submissions due by March or April 2020 shall be extended by two months…
MamoTCV Advocates
27th March 2020
Clarification of Powers of Superintendent of Public Health COVID19 MeasuresLitigation & Dispute Resolution

Clarification of Powers of Superintendent of Public Health

The Superintendent of Public Health has issued a number of measures (through legal notices) in the wake of the Covid-19 virus in accordance to what is, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Public Health, expedient for the prevention or mitigation of disease. Of note are LN 61 of 2020 (later amended by LN 84 of 2020) which ordered the suspension of all legal and judicial time limits and LN 65 of 2020 (later amended by LN 97 of 2020) which ordered the closure of the Courts of Malta as well as the Court Registry. The taking of these measures is unprecedented…
Kirk Brincau
27th March 2020
COVID-19 Update – MFSA Issues Information Regarding Coverage Under Insurance for Consumers COVID19 Measures

COVID-19 Update – MFSA Issues Information Regarding Coverage Under Insurance for Consumers

The MFSA has provided an informational update as a result of the COVID-19 which may affect consumers of insurance products.The MFSA has noted that any changes which may have been made to the terms and conditions relating to an insurance policy issued before the outbreak of COVID-19, cannot apply retrospectively or mid-term during the policy period. However, it has been noted that new policies which have been issued may include amendments and/or exclusions which take into consideration the risks arising due to COVID-19. The MFSA has also stated that policyholders may discover changes in their circumstances because of the outbreak…
Zachary Galea
27th March 2020
Mamo TCV Advocates | COVID-19 Webpage News

Mamo TCV Advocates | COVID-19 Webpage

As the effects of the spread of the COVID-19 virus continue to be felt, a number of our clients have approached us for advice in connection with a number of queries arising from the unprecedented challenges presented by these unique times.To this end, while thanks to our teleworking facilities, we continue to advise and assist our clients at the same levels of service they have come to expect from us, we have also launched a dedicated page on our website aimed at providing updates on the various legislative developments and other measures that are being put in place in the…
MamoTCV Advocates
26th March 2020
MFSA Issues Circular on Contingency Planning in Light of COVID-19 COVID19 MeasuresInvestment Services & Funds

MFSA Issues Circular on Contingency Planning in Light of COVID-19

As a result of the current crisis in which we find ourselves, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Malta Financial Services Authority ("MFSA") issued a notice on 13th March 2020, urging investment firms, custodians, fund managers and collective investment schemes (collectively referred to as "Licence Holders") to take into account how their operations may be affected by this pandemic. In light of this, the MFSA expects Licence Holders to take the necessary measures and precautions to deal with the evolving situation and to be able to cater for any eventuality, by having appropriate business continuity and contingency plans in place.…
25th March 2020
MFSA Announces Extensions in Reporting and Disclosure Deadlines Due to COVID-19 Outbreak COVID19 MeasuresInsurance & Reinsurance

MFSA Announces Extensions in Reporting and Disclosure Deadlines Due to COVID-19 Outbreak

In response to the challenging conditions which are being faced by the financial services sector as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Malta Financial Services Authority ("MFSA") has announced extensions to certain reporting and disclosure deadlines due by March or April 2020.The MFSA Circular describes the different extensions being granted for each sector.With specific reference to the insurance sector, MFSA announced the following extensions:1. Insurance and Reinsurance UndertakingsFor all supervisory reporting and public disclosure requirements under Solvency II, any extensions would only be entertained in line with direction provided by the European Insurance and Occupation Pensions Authority (EIOPA) to ensure…
MamoTCV Advocates
25th March 2020