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Recent GDPR Fines Issued in Various Countries Legal Updates

Recent GDPR Fines Issued in Various Countries

Country: Greece (first fine ever issued by the Greek data protection authority)Fine Amount: €150,000Issued to: PWC Business SolutionsReason: The company, i.e. an employer, had decided to use consent as a legal basis for processing the personal data of its employees for various standard work-related purposes (e.g. paying the employees, sending the employees' personal data to relevant tax and labour authorities etc.). The Greek data protection authority held that consent is not a sound legal basis in the context of employment, due to the relationship between employer and employee being a subordinate one where there is a natural imbalance of power.Country:…
MamoTCV Advocates
22nd August 2019
Antitrust Investigations are not Criminal in Nature Antitrust, Competition and Trade

Antitrust Investigations are not Criminal in Nature

On the 12 July 2019, the Constitutional Court handed down judgment in Falzon Group Holdings Limited et v Director General (Competition). Plaintiffs were seeking to have competition proceedings struck out on the basis that the investigation conducted by the Director General (Competition) under the dispositions of the Competition Act (Cap 379 of the laws of Malta and hereinafter the 'Act') breached their right to a fair hearing under article 39(1) of the Constitution and article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This case was filed in the wake of Federation of Estate Agents v Director General (Competition), by…
Annalies Muscat
21st August 2019
Towards Trustworthy AI: Malta’s Ethical AI Framework Open for Public Consultation Telecoms, Media & Technology

Towards Trustworthy AI: Malta’s Ethical AI Framework Open for Public Consultation

In a bid to establish Malta as the "Ultimate AI Launchpad," the Malta.AI Taskforce has released a public consultation document on its intended ethical framework for Artificial Intelligence technology.The title of the document is self-explanatory: "Towards Trustworthy AI". This reflects the Maltese government's intentions of establishing a stable ground for the future development of disruptive technologies.Building on its National AI Strategy  the government intends to base the future of Malta's AI development on four objectives:A human-centric approachRespect for applicable laws, regulations, human rights and democratic valuesMaximising the benefits of AI systems while reducing risksAligning with international standards and norms. Following…
Michael Camilleri
13th August 2019
The Companies Act (Register of Beneficial Owners) Regulations and Recent Amendments Investment Services & Funds

The Companies Act (Register of Beneficial Owners) Regulations and Recent Amendments

The Companies Act (Register of Beneficial Owners) Regulations (the "Regulations") introduced the obligation on all companies constituted under the Companies Act, to submit to the Registrar a declaration containing information on all the beneficial owners of the company. This information submitted to the Registrar is used to compile an electronic register of all the beneficial owners of Maltese companies. The Regulations exempt certain entities from the obligations established by the Regulations. Exempted entities are companies listed on a regulated market which are subject to disclosure requirements consistent with EU law, or any equivalent international standards which ensure adequate transparency. Moreover,…
Anna Grech
13th August 2019
Mamo TCV (VFA) Ltd registered as VFA Agent Legal Updates

Mamo TCV (VFA) Ltd registered as VFA Agent

We are pleased to announce that our subsidiary company, Mamo TCV (VFA) Ltd, has been set up and officially registered as a VFA Agent with the Malta Financial Services Authority, in terms of Article 14 of the Virtual Financial Assets Act (Chapter 590 of the Laws of Malta) (the "Act"). Mamo TCV (VFA) Ltd is now eligible to assist Virtual Financial Assets ("VFA") Service Providers to apply for a licence under the Act and support VFA Service Providers in any ancillary matters permitted by the VFA legal framework. Disclaimer This document does not purport to give legal, financial or tax…
MamoTCV Advocates
1st August 2019
FIAU Publishes Revised AML/CFT Implementing Procedures Corporate and M&A

FIAU Publishes Revised AML/CFT Implementing Procedures

The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (the FIAU) has published an amended version of the Implementing Procedures Part 1, with changes taking effect from the 19th July 2019 (the Amendments). The FIAU has announced that the Amendments intend to provide Subject Persons with more in-depth qualitative guidance to assist them in better fulfilling their Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations.This follows recent amendments to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta (the PMLA) and the Prevention of Money Laundering and Funding of TerrorismRegulations, Subsidiary Legislation 373.01 of the Laws of Malta (the…
Joshua Chircop
31st July 2019