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Status of DORA Regulatory Technical Standards (“RTS”) DORAFinTechTelecoms, Media & Technology

Status of DORA Regulatory Technical Standards (“RTS”)

Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector ( “DORA”) establishes the EU legislative framework for enhancing digital resilience within the EU’s financial industry. Enforcement commences on 17th January 2025 and the EU Commission is tasked with issuing Regulatory Technical Standards (“RTS”) which supplement DORA. The EU Commission publishes the RTS in the Official Journal as Commission Delegated Regulations, but they are largely based on the input of the European Supervisory Authorities (“ESA”) which comprise of ESMA, EBA and EIOPA. The draft RTS submitted to the European…
Mamo TCV Advocates: Payments Insights #3 – Existing and Upcoming Strong Customer Authentication Requirements for PSPs
Payments Insights #3 –
Existing and Upcoming Strong Customer Authentication Requirements for PSPs
Banking & FinanceFinTech

Payments Insights #3 –
Existing and Upcoming Strong Customer Authentication Requirements for PSPs

When the Second Payment Services Directive1 (‘PSD2’) replaced the First Payment Service Directive, the European Union (‘EU’) introduced the requirement of Strong Customer Authentication (‘SCA’). SCA enhances the security of electronic payments through additional layers of authentication with the aim to mitigate payment fraud. As we noted in the previous Payment Insight, the European Banking Authority (the ‘EBA’) opines that SCA requirements have been successful in preventing payments fraud resulting from the theft of customers’ credentials. In view of this, the upcoming amendments to the payment services regime will see the SCA requirements being enhanced in the proposed Payment Services…
Mamo TCV Advocates: The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released an opinion that assesses emerging trends in payment fraud and proposes regulatory measures to address these challenges. In our latest Payments Insights, we discuss the EBA's publication which emphasises the necessity of improving security measures for instant payments, applying Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) consistently across all transaction types, and facilitating cross-border collaboration to manage the increased fraud risks associated with international transactions. The EBA’s Opinion also outlines several regulatory recommendations, including updating fraud risk management frameworks, adjusting liability rules to better protect consumers, and reinforcing supervisory processes. These measures are designed to increase the resilience of the financial sector for the benefit of the end-consumer within the payments sphere.
Payments Insights #2 –
EBA Opinion on Payment Fraud and Possible Mitigants
Banking & FinanceFinTech

Payments Insights #2 –
EBA Opinion on Payment Fraud and Possible Mitigants

On the 29th of April 2024, the European Banking Authority (the ‘EBA’) published an opinion (the ‘Opinion’) in which it assesses payment fraud data and identifies new types and patterns of payment fraud while developing proposals to mitigate them. In this second Payments Insight we highlight some of the most important key considerations emerging from the EBA’s Opinion. The power of the EBA to issue this Opinion stems from Articles 1(5), 8(2)(g), 9(4), and 16a(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010. These provisions empower the EBA to promote a uniform approach to the regulation and supervision of innovative financial activities. Additionally,…