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State Aid and the Pandemic: 10 Months On COVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

State Aid and the Pandemic: 10 Months On

The State Aid Temporary Framework (the "Framework") was initially adopted by the Commission on the 19 March to ease the difficulties various undertakings were facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was subsequently amended on a number of occasions to reflect the ever-changing effects of the pandemic and was set to expire on 30 June 2021, bar the recapitalisation measures that were to remain in effect until 30 September 2021. As a result of the pandemic's continued progression, the Commission deemed it fit to extend the Framework's scope and measures – including the recapitalisation measures – further. The…
MamoTCV Advocates
3rd February 2021
Public Consultation on the Intersection Between Competition Law and Sustainability Policy Legal Updates

Public Consultation on the Intersection Between Competition Law and Sustainability Policy

The European Commission has published a call for contributions, which will run until 20 November, on how EU competition policy can best support the "Green Deal".The Green Deal is the EU's action plan intended to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and to restore biodiversity and cut pollution.The main goal is for Europe to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050.The idea is that competition policy, although not the primary tool to combat climate change and protect the environment, can complement regulation in doing so.Short of any legislative changes to the existing…
MamoTCV Advocates
11th November 2020
COVID-19 State Aid to be Prolonged Legal Updates

COVID-19 State Aid to be Prolonged

As a result of the unprecedented circumstances we are currently facing, a number of measures were adopted to ease the challenges that various businesses are facing. In this regard, the European Commission adopted the State aid Temporary Framework (the "Framework") on 19th March, 2020, which has subsequently been amended a number of times to reflect the ever-changing nature of how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the economy. This Framework details the conditions under which State aid would be permissible under Article 107(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union with a view to seeking to ensure the…
MamoTCV Advocates
19th October 2020
Commission approves Malta’s state aid scheme to support investments in the production of coronavirus-relevant products COVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

Commission approves Malta’s state aid scheme to support investments in the production of coronavirus-relevant products

On 12 May 2020, the European Commission approved an €11.5 million state aid scheme to support investments in the production of coronavirus-related products such as vaccines, personal protective equipment, and ventilators. Undertakings operating in sectors related to the production or the diversifying of products related to the coronavirus outbreak may benefit from this scheme through direct grants, repayable advances, and tax advantages. However, beneficiaries must complete investments projects in this regard within six months after receiving the aid.The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework that was put into effect on 19 March 2020. Disclaimer This document does…
MamoTCV Advocates
19th May 2020
Malta’s €350 million State aid scheme approved by the Commission Antitrust, Competition and TradeCOVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

Malta’s €350 million State aid scheme approved by the Commission

On 2 April 2020, the European Commission approved Malta's State aid scheme to support the local economy amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The scheme has an estimated budget of €350 million to enable public guarantees on loans to support the Maltese economy as it navigates through the current situation. It will also help businesses cover their liquidity needs.The Maltese government notified the scheme under the EU State aid Temporary Framework that was put into effect on the 19 March 2020. In approving the scheme, the European Commission acknowledged that this measure is necessary, appropriate, and proportionate in line with State aid…
MamoTCV Advocates
6th April 2020
Office for Competition Announces Temporary Measures for Concentration Notifications in Response to COVID-19 Antitrust, Competition and TradeCOVID19 MeasuresLegal Updates

Office for Competition Announces Temporary Measures for Concentration Notifications in Response to COVID-19

In the light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Office for Competition (the "Office") is currently working remotely. As a result, new procedures for communication with the Office are being adopted, with the Office now accepting online concentration notification forms. All supporting documents accompanying the concentration notification form are to be submitted electronically, and the notification fee that must be paid by the notifying party/parties is to be sent via online banking. Further details in this regard can be accessed here. No documentation is to be physically sent to the Office without its prior request. Disclaimer This document does not purport…
MamoTCV Advocates
6th April 2020