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Maltese Diplomatic Missions Remain Closed Immigration

Maltese Diplomatic Missions Remain Closed

With the publication of L.N. 255 of 2020, which came into effect on the 15th of July, 2020, the travel to and from Malta was permitted from the countries listed here. Additionally, Identity Malta has also re-opened its services and shall be accepting new Single Permit applications as of the 3rd of August, 2020.However, although it is now permissible to travel to and from Malta, none of Malta's Diplomatic missions or foreign representations are processing any visa applications. Therefore for nationals of those countries considered 'Safe-Zone', which do not have a visa waiver agreement with the Schengen Area Members States,…
Julian Fenech Adami
22nd July 2020
Malta Air Travel Response to Covid 19 Uncategorized

Malta Air Travel Response to Covid 19

With the publication of Legal Notice255 of 2020 entitled the Travel Ban (Extension to all Countries) (Amendment No 2) Order, 2020, under the Public Health Act (Cap.465), as from 15th of July, 2020 travel will be permitted to Malta from the following countries and from Malta to the same countries:(1) Austria;(2) Cyprus;(3) Czech Republic;(4) Denmark; (5) Estonia; (6) Finland; (7) Hungary; (8) Iceland; (9) Ireland; (10) Germany; (11) Latvia; (12) Lithuania; (13) Luxembourg; (14) Norway; (15) Italy; (16) France; (17) Slovakia; (18) Switzerland;(19) Greece; (20) Croatia; (21) Spain;(22) Poland; (23) United Kingdom; (24) Belgium; (25) Bulgaria; (26) Netherlands; (27) Canada; (28)…
14th July 2020
Are Foreign Subsidies Distorting the EU’s Single Market? Antitrust, Competition and Trade

Are Foreign Subsidies Distorting the EU’s Single Market?

This article was written by Dr Michael Psaila and Dr Laura SpiteriThe openness of the European Union (the 'EU') to foreign investment has been the subject of much recent debate. While this openness brought with it a myriad of opportunities, it also brought increased risks and in light of this, the European Commission (the 'Commission') published for consultation a White Paper on Foreign Subsidies in the Internal Market (the 'White Paper') on the 17 June 2020. Various EU instruments, including competition and public procurement rules, ensure fair conditions in the Single Market, with subsidies by Member States being subjected to…
Michael Psaila
13th July 2020
How far should the employer go to provide alternative employment in case of health problems? Employment and Industrial Relations

How far should the employer go to provide alternative employment in case of health problems?

In a judgment delivered on the 1st July 2020 (case number 83/2019LM), the Court of Appeal considered the requirements of constructive dismissal. An ex-employee claimed that he had been forced to resign from his employment due to health problems which did not allow him to continue his job. Through his trade union, the employee requested the employer to provide him with alternative employment, but the company replied that none was available. After exhausting all his sick leave and a further period of unpaid leave, he decided to terminate his employment. The Tribunal had decided that the employee had not resigned…
Christine Calleja
10th July 2020
Amendments to the Companies Act Corporate and M&A

Amendments to the Companies Act

This article was written by Dr Michael Psaila and Dr Joshua ChircopOverviewOn the 23rd June 2020, the President, on the advice and with the consent of the House of Representatives, enacted the Companies (Amendment) Act, Act number XXXI of 2020 (the "Amendment Act"), which introduces certain amendments to the Companies Act, Chapter 386 of the Laws of Malta (the "Act").The Companies (Amendment) Bill (the "Bill") was previously tabled before the House of Representatives by the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses on the 13th May 2020. This Bill was reported in a previous article.The Act introduces:new grounds for…
Michael Psaila
5th July 2020
Cell Companies in Shipping and Aviation Business AviationShipping, Yachting and Transport

Cell Companies in Shipping and Aviation Business

This article was written by Dr Nicholas Valenzia and Dr Joshua Chircop.Amendments have been made to the Companies Act allowing for the introduction of regulations regarding Cell Companies carrying on or engaged in Shipping or Aviation Business (the "Regulations").The RegulationsThe amendments have introduced a new article to the Companies Act, which gives the authority to the Minister responsible for the registration of commercial partnerships (the "Minister") to make the Regulations. The Regulations are expected to be promulgated under Maltese law imminently.The Regulations are expected to provide for the formation, constitution, authorisation and regulation of Cell Companies carrying on or engaged…
Nicholas Valenzia
15th May 2020